“No Trespassing,” “Keep Out,” “Posted, Private Property,” “Historic Site.” Such signs are often an all-too-common sight for those who would seek out and search the grounds of boom towns. The best advice would be to FOLLOW POSTED SIGN WARNINGS, DO NOT TRESPASS.
Standing ghost towns should be worked carefully. “No Trespassing” signs should be strictly honored. The buildings should never be vandalized, whether they are posted or not. Treasure hunters should work diligently to make a good name, for themselves individually and for the hobby field itself as a whole. In actuality, the best sites to work are those where hardly a trace of the former boom town is left. Then, one cannot be blamed for tearing down what was torn down long ago.
Also, totally abandoned ghost town places have not had the severe picking-over suffered by more scenic, better known spots. Few people ever visit such desolated sites, and those who do, seeing very little, usually don’t stay long.