In 1892 Charles H. Ballard, the Conconully surveyor, platted Swansea on the Okanogan County side about two and one half miles downstream from the confluence of the Okanogan and Columbia Rivers. Maps showed streets, alleys, and parks profusely laid out with flotilla of steamers unloading cargoes at wharves busily served by railroads.
At real life Swansea a small store was built and a hotel started. On a flat 60 or 70 feet above the river, the Swansea Hotel was erected and a road built down the steep bank from it to the store. But the road was to steep, no one used it, and after only a few months, the Swansea store closed when its proprietors were taken into custody for selling hard liquor without a license. This ended any possible future for Swansea.
Steamwheeler on the Okanogan River