Submitted by Rob Stone
Gold Hill in Okanogan County was never a platted town but rather a gold camp for many miners and prospectors in this general area. It was located on Gold Hill being 6 miles due west of the town of Loomis on the Touts Coulee Road. There's not much that remains of this once booming camp from yesteryear. What do remain though are 4 small log cabins and a rather large bunk/cookhouse. The cookhouse for the most part has given up to mother nature caving in on itself. The log cabins are still standing but only one remains with the roof intact. One cabin has a very unique rock foundation that was built next to a gully and stands about 4 feet high. The camp itself was founded about 1880 and was out of business around 1892 when the silver crash happened in that same year and forced most mines to shut down production.
There were many mines in the area and all produced gold and silver right up to the present day. Mule trains took all the supplies into camp and there was no road until around 1930. The present day road into Gold Hill is not in very good shape and is very steep, 4-wheel drive is needed to get there. The main mine that supported the camp flooded with water is not accessible in any way. There are several other short tunnels in the area and still carry gold to a certain extent. Gold Hill is a very intriguing mountain and it's no wonder the old timers decided to work it for the gold and silver content. The site of Gold Hill and the surrounding mines in the area are on private property, mines and mine shafts are DANGEROUS, please respect No Trespassing signs. The owner for a reason puts these signs there.
Boom Towns & Relic Hunters ghost town tour guests at the main entrance to historic Gold Hill Mine. The Gold Hill Mine is situated on private property and is posted as such. Mines and mine shafts are DANGEROUS. Please respect NO TRESPASSING signs and keep out.
One of many deserted old-log structures that still remain from the 1880s at Gold Hill.
This abandoned building was once the saloon, and it still stands today in the historic ghost town mining camp of Gold Hill.
A few of the original buildings from Gold Hill remain today, but even the ghosts have departed. Pictured from left are Stephen Jacobsen, Laurie Smith, and Cody Smith.
The once-bustling camp of Gold Hill, built in the 1880s, stands today as a historic reminder of what once existed in the Okanogan area. Explorers Laurie Smith and Don Izley, adventure seekers from Boom Towns & Relic Hunters.
Gold Hill was not about to surrender her riches easily. The bonanza boom was built on laborious efforts to tap the mother loads that secreted themselves in massive rock formations. Gold Hill Mine entrance leading to the Mother Lode. Mines and mine shafts are DANGEROUS. Please respect NO TRESPASSING signs and keep out.
GhostTownsUSA tour group taking a break for a photo at Gold Hill Camp.