To Kill Corns
Soak bread in vinegar, bind on day and night and they will come out by the roots.
Care Of The Ears
Children's ears ought never to be boxed, for besides being an ill-mannered way to punish one, it is liable to injure permanently the delicate membrane of the ear. Nor should the ear ever be "cleaned out with the screwed up corner of a towel," much less with a bodkin.
To Remove A Cold In The Head
A cold in the head is very disagreeable. Inhale spirits of camphor when the first symptoms appear. Put one or two drops of the camphor on a small lump of sugar, dissolve in a wine glassful of water and take a teaspoonful every two hours.
Sprain Remedy
Take the white of two eggs and put into a cup; stir with a lump of alum the size of an English walnut until it jellies. Saturate a cloth and apply to the sprain, changing it for a fresh one as often as it becomes hot and dry. Keep the limb in a raised or horizontal position.
Wearing a silk handkerchief in the crown of the hat, or green leaves, or a wet cloth of any kind prevents sunstroke; during an attack, warm water should be instantly poured on the head, or rags dipped in the water and renewed every minute. The reason is two-fold the scalp is dry and hot and the warm water not only removes the dryness but carries off the extra heat with great rapidity by evaporation.
To Remove Lodgment In The Throat
When a child swallows anything that lodges in the throat lift it suddenly by the wrists. It will cause the little one to scream and cough and the object will generally be dislodged at once.
To Remove Freckles
These are caused by an over-production of pigment in the skin, which seems to be brought out in spots by the action of the sun's rays. They can be made to disappear by the use of acid lactic, glycerin, of each one fluid drachm. Apply night and morning with a sponge. Another remedy is powdered niter moistened with water and applied to the face night and morning.
To Remove Warts
This unsightly excrescence's can be effectually removed by steeping or soaking a small piece of beef all night in vinegar. Cut what will cover the wart and tie it on. Strips of sticking plaster will fasten it on. Take the meat off in the daytime and put it on at night. In two weeks the wart will die and fall off.
Care Of The Hair
Before retiring the hair should be well brushed. A stiff brush is best for this purpose, as it penetrates the hair and causes a healthy reaction and stimulation of the scalp, and the hair follicles thus have a tendency to keep the hair from falling out and prevent the common disease of the sebaceous glands, called dandruff. The care of the hair includes a shampoo once a week with good, pure soaps German green soap being the best; then it must be rinsed well and quickly dried.
Round Shoulders
Deep breathing exercises and light gymnastics will cure all of round shoulders if they will be persistently practiced in. It would be impossible for me to tell you how many girls I have seen made straight and robust through the simplest exercise of this nature.
To prevent choking, break an egg into a cup and give it to the person choking to swallow. The white of the egg seems to catch around the obstacle and remove it. If one egg does not answer the purpose try another. The white is all that is necessary.
To Whiten The Hands
Put a few drops of lemon juice into white of an egg. If lemons are not at hand, a little alum water will answer. Rub some of this mixture on the hands at night, letting it dry on. This lotion is equally good for the face and neck.
Nose Bleed
Snuffing up powdered alum will generally control troublesome bleeding from the nose. It will also almost stop excessive hemorrhage from a cavity caused by the extraction of a tooth, by being placed in it. The best remedy for bleeding at the nose, is in the vigorous motion of the jaws, as if in the act of mastication. In case of a child a wad of paper should be placed in its mouth and the child should be instructed to chew it hard. It is the motion of the jaws that stops the flow of blood. This remedy is so very simple that many will feel inclined to laugh at it, but it has never been known to fail in a single instance, even in very severe cases.
Let fall a stream of very warm water from a teakettle, at the highest elevation from which the patient can bear the water to fall directly on the apex of the swelling. Continue this once a day for a short time and a cure will be effected, providing you desist from wearing short shoes. The greater the elevation of the kettle the more effectual the remedy. It is said that the following is a good bunion remedy; Use pulverized salt-peter, put into a bottle with sufficient olive oil to nearly dissolve it; shake up well and rub the inflamed joints night and morning and more frequently if painful. This is a well-tried remedy.
A Sure Cough Cure
Three-eighths of an ounce of anise seed, three-eighths of an ounce of stick (or root) licorice three-eighths of an ounce of senna leaf and one-half pint of Jamaica rum. Pour one pint of boiling water on the herbs and let them simmer slowly, down to one-half pint. Then strain and when cool add one-half pint of best syrup and one-half pint of rum. Take as often as required. This recipe has never failed.
To Remove Scales From The Hands
Indian meal moistened with a little vinegar or lemon juice is excellent when work or cold has roughened the skin; it will heal and soften them. Rub the hands thoroughly with the moistened meal and wash them in warm water and bathe them with glycerin lotion.
Swollen Gums
For swollen and bleeding gums rinse the mouth with a wine glassful of warm water in which is placed about seven drops of myrrh. This will harden the gums and keep them from working off the teeth, which always gives them a bad appearance.
Sure Cure For Pimples
It requires self-denial to get rid of pimples, for persons troubled with them will persist in eating fat meats and other articles of food calculated to produce them. Avoid the use of rich gravies, or pastry or anything of the kind in excess. Take all the outdoor exercise you can and never indulge in a late supper. Retire at a reasonable hour and rise early in the morning. Sulfur to purify the blood may be taken three times a week; a thimble full in a glass of milk before breakfast. It takes some time for the sulfur to do its work, therefore preserve in its use till the humors, or pimples have all disappeared.
Remedy For Tainted Breath
Many people are found of onions and yet do not wish to make themselves offensive by eating them. This simple corrective will allow any one to indulge their appetite in this particular. Dissolve one-half teaspoonful of soda in boiling water and drink it. Orrisroot is also good, and rose pastilles sweeten the breath.
To Induce Sleep
When one is overtired worried and cannot sleep, being gently rubbed all over with a towel wrung out of hot salt water generally has the desired effect. Deep breathing in fresh air through the nostrils is also excellent.
If you have lost any teeth that will account for the lines, otherwise you should not have wrinkles before sixty. There is no other treatment that will take the place of massage for obliterating wrinkles.
Hiccough Cure For Children
Many children are subject to this distressing complaint. A lump of sugar saturated with vinegar and given to the little one to suck will relieve it instantly. This is the recipe of a French physician.