Submitted by Rob Stone
Rob Stone has lived in and around the area of Nighthawk most of his life. I found him to be very knowledgeable about the past history of this intriguing region and Rob offered to share the following information with me.
The Nighthawk Hotel still standing today was built by J.M. Hagerty in 1903 and partially burned down in 1910, and was rebuilt shortly there after. Most Boom Towns in those days had a house of ill repute and Nighthawk was no exception, built around 1903 still stands today as a reminder of yesteryear. The building located behind the cathouse (as we call it) was known as the old Doc. Andrus livery stable. The exact date to when it was built is unknown to me, but old photos I have seen show it to be right around the same time as the rest, 1903.
Main Street Nighthawk was called Prospect Ave. and is still referred by this name today, but without the horses, wagons and miners. Nighthawk schoolhouse, which also still stands today on private land, was built sometime around 1915 where many pioneer children growing up in the area received their education.
The Kaaba Texas Mine is one of the best preserved mines in Okanogan County with many of the original buildings still standing today on private property. The small building was the main office. The large wedge shaped building was the old mill building where the ores were processed through from the mine. The Assay office that once stood with these remaining structures was burned down many years ago and was originally a log cabin. The large mill building was built around 1939 by the Kaaba Texas Mining Co. and was owned at that time by Sikko Barghorn. Kaaba Texas Mining Co. and was incorporated Dec. 19, 1936 and approved by the Secretary of the state Jan. 18, 1937. The mill and office are on a patented mining claim known as the "State of Main" (Okanogan Smith's home state) and being one of the first mining claims in the Territory of Washington. Records show it was located March 8, 1879 and being recorded as Mineral Survey No. 41 A @ B.
There were settlers here as early as 1862, but it was just a tent town and died out about 1870. It is said that there were as many as 3,000 men living here by 1865.
Nighthawk was to become a recognized town on Nov. 18, 1903. It was platted by the Nighthawk Realty Co. and owned by Myron J. Church and Chas T. Peterson and was accepted by the Land Office in Waterville Washington on Feb. 16, 1904. The rail came through about 1905 and the Train Depot-store was built on May 6, 1906. I found this date while I was replacing windows in the Station Masters office in the summer of 1999.
For more on the history of Nighthawk Click Here!